Monday, April 6, 2020

Remote Learning Day 4: Other political issues and Covid-19

Last week you looked at the issue of abortion and how it is impacted by the current pandemic. For today, you'll look at three other issues: Guns, Marijuana, Religion. For each, you'll work to keep a list of arguments for both sides of the debate.  Here is the form you'll use that includes the links to articles that discuss each question: What is Essential During a Pandemic?
If you would like, you may work on this and discuss with a partner (Remotely Please!). Each person though should be well-versed in the arguments.  Everyone should submit the document to Schoology when you're finished.
We'll discuss all four issues in our weekly zoom tomorrow, Tuesday, at 3:15. Please check your email later today for the zoom invite and password.
**Also, please see this document for an important update: Civic Engagement During Shelter in Place

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