Monday, May 18, 2020

Remote Learning Days 22-24: Ending the Year

Greetings Issues Scholars!
I wanted to provide some flexibility over your last few days and give you some options as to how you end the year. We'll all finish together on Thursday with a Zoom call where we can share some final thoughts, say goodbyes, and participate in the infamous "ask Kramer anything" activity.
For Tuesday and Wednesday, if you're up for it, I think Option 1 is a great opportunity to end the year in a powerful way (and potentially win some $$!!). Option 2 is an important issue that I fear will take on even greater importance in the months and year to come. You have two days to complete either option. Up to you which direction you take.  Here are the plans:

Option 1
Enter the Stronger Than Hate Challenge
"The Stronger Than Hate Challenge invites students ages 13-18 to create a video, write a poem, song, or blog, or produce a painting or piece of artwork that demonstrates the chosen medium’s potential to create a community that is stronger than hate. Winning entries are eligible to win up to $10,000 in prizing!" 
The challenge consists of three steps: 
1) Complete the learning module (about 15-20 self-directed minutes).
2) Create your submission (you can work in a group of up to four of your classmates if you want)
3) Submit your work both to the challenge and to me
The detailed instructions are found in the link above. Make sure that you look at the rubric that is going to be used to judge your work for the potential prize money. BTW, your blogs may be a great way to "start activating your story".  

Option 2
A significant issue that doesn't get much press but sadly may become more important for many in the months to come is Poverty. There are several powerful documentaries on the subject. For this option, you can choose one to watch and then respond to it in your Blog. Your response must mention which documentary you watched and the key relevant details. 
Poor Kids (a Frontline Documentary).
Poverty in the USA (Narration in English although produced by a German public broadcasting station)

Zoom Call at 3:15. We'll say our good-byes and "ask Kramer anything".

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Remote Learning Day 21: Race and Covid

Check your emails for the link to today's (Thursday's) zoom discussion. See you at 3:15!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Remote Learning Day 20: Back to Covid

Greetings Issues Scholars!
Today we're going to circle back to issues stemming from the current pandemic. I saw the article below and thought it would lend itself to a good discussion. Please read the article and come to our Thursday Zoom with at least two open ended discussion questions that you'd like to hear our group's responses to.
The Coronavirus Was an Emergency Until...
PDF Version

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Remote Learning Day 19: Myths and Advice About College

Greetings Issues Scholars!
Today (Tuesday, May 12) we'll continue to look at "college" as an issue (although less intensely than last week) by exploring some myths and providing some advice. Here are your tasks. Read the following (Don't worry, they're short):
1) College is the Best Four Years of Your Life and Other Lies Parents Tell Teens
2) 6 College Myths All Freshmen Need to Know
3) Advice to College Freshmen From Recent Grads
4) Professor Offers Best Advice for College Freshmen
5) Self-Care During College-How to Take Care of Yourself

Then, choose one myth from 1 or 2 and one piece of advice from 3,4, or 5 that you think are the most important to know. In a flipgrid post, describe both and why you selected them as most important. Respond to at least one other person's post.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Remote Learning Day 18: Discussion-Hazing

Greetings Issues Scholars!
Discussion today (Thursday). We're talking about hazing. Check your emails for the link. Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Remote Learning Day 17: Hazing Contd.

Today, we'll work to get a few more details and examples of the hazing that continues to go on on college campuses. Please have details ready to share in our Zoom discussion on Thursday. Here is your task:
For each article you read, you should add to a Google doc that identifies the answers to these questions about the article and takes this format (most of your responses can be a few words or a single sentence, you may need more for "what", "why" and "how"):
Title and Source:
Who? (Who is involved?)
What? (What happened? What are the key facts?)
When? (When did it happen?)
Where? (Where did this happen?)
Why? (Why did this happen-this is your analysis)
How? (How did this happen-again, this could be your analysis).

Everyone should read: College Students Keep Dying Because of Fraternity Hazing and look at this map: Hazing Deaths
Then choose two more articles from the following (for a total of three).  Click around a bit before choosing. See what seems interesting to read.
Submit your Google Doc to Schoology when finished. Be sure to have access to it during our Zoom discussion tomorrow. Check your emails tonight for the link.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Remote Learning Day 16: Hazing

Today, we'll start to consider questions surrounding Greek life and hazing on college campuses. Your task for today is to watch this video: Breathe, Nolan, Breathe. WARNING-there is graphic and disturbing content that may be difficult to watch.
When you're finished, you may either, post a flipgrid response to the video, do a blog post on it, or share a written response with me. No prompts, just want to hear your reactions. Try to use specifics and details in whatever format you post.