Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Gun Laws

Today we'll explore the different types of gun laws and policies.
You'll be using this website:  (NOTE: This is a pro-gun control website)
Your task is to research and be able to explain your assigned law/policy to other people. You should begin to formulate an opinion of it as well as identify any problems with it. As you research, keep track of important information in your notebook.
Here are the categories/topics you'll be working with:

  1. Universal Background Checks
  2. NICS & Reporting Procedures
  3. Background Check Procedures
  4. Mental Health Reporting
  5. Categories of Prohibited People
  6. Domestic Violence & Firearms
  7. Gun Violence Protective Orders
  8. Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess
  9. Gun Dealers
  10. Maintaining Records of Gun Sales
  11. Waiting Periods
  12. Gun Shows
  13. Reporting Lost & Stolen Firearms
  14. Child Access Prevention
  15. Safe Storage
  16. Smart Guns
  17. Design Safety Standards
  18. Concealed Carry
  19. Open Carry
  20. “Stand Your Ground” Laws
  21. Guns in Schools
  22. Assault Weapons
  23. Large Capacity Magazines
  24. Ammunition Regulation
  25. Machine Guns & 50-Caliber
  26. Silencers

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