Monday, October 21, 2019

So How Do We Solve This?

Today, after browsing our blog posts from the weekend, we'll start the project that will close our unit on climate change:
Proposing a Solution

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Climate Change Effects and a Potential Solution

Today we'll start by presenting our posters that we created last week.
I will not be in class on Thursday.  Thus, on Thursday during class, you have two options:

1) Complete the assignment below (which is due next Monday, October 21)
2) Or if you'd prefer to complete that at home, you may spend the period reading your outside reading book.

Carbon Tax Assignment

  • First,watch this video (use headphones if you're in class) that will introduce the idea of a carbon tax as a potential response to the issue of climate change: Rep. Carlos Curbelo's Carbon Tax.
  • Next, read these editorials and fill out this organizer. Make sure you also answer the questions listed at the bottom of the chart. Submit the organizer to turnitin via Schoology when finished.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Effects of Climate Change

Today we'll pick up the articles we didn't have time to get to on Tuesday.
You'll work individually to read your assigned article and answer the questions listed here: Carbon's Casualties.
Then you'll work with your group to create a poster that effectively and invitingly engages your audience with the idea that the topic you read about is an important one to know and understand. When finished, you'll present your topic and posters to the class.
Your poster should:
  • Have a catchy slogan/title (Something more creative than "Stop Climate Change" or "Save the Whales")
  • Include the basics-- who, what, where, when
  • Include the significance-- why and how
    • Use the questions that you answered to help you decide what information to include
      • How has global climate change affected the local climate and geography of the region discussed in your article?
      • How have these changes affected the people living there?
      • How have the people tried to adapt to climate change’s effects?
      • Why is this story important for the world to know?
  • Be visually exciting and have artistic merit. 
  • Include an image (or images) either drawn or printed
    • Have brief captions for images 
  • Be sure to organize the information clearly
  • Avoid long sentences

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Responses to and Effects of Climate Change

Today, you'll work in groups. First, you'll use what you read in Part II of the background reading yesterday to debate the questions listed here: Responses to Climate Change (Background Part II).
After sharing the consensus that you reached, you'll work individually to read your assigned article and answer the questions listed here: Carbon's Casualties.
Group #1
Group #2
Group #3
Group #4
Group #5
Alexa A.
Group #6
Group #7
Alexa W.
Group #8

Monday, October 7, 2019

Understanding Climate Change

Today we completed this Reading Comprehension Check for the Intro and Part I of the Climate Change packet. With time remaining, students read and annotated Part II (which is due tomorrow).

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Climate Contd.

Today we'll begin by sharing our thoughts and questions about the articles we read in follow up to the Climate Strike.
Next, we'll finish and discuss the end of the film Years of Living Dangerously
Finally, you'll have a chance to begin reading Part I of the Climate Change packet.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Climate Change Contd.

Today, during the 1st part of class, we'll watch a part of the Years of Living Dangerously documentary series.

During the 2nd part of class, we'll read some of the follow up articles to Greta Thurnberg's speech that we watched yesterday. Choose one from each category to read.

Greta Thurnberg and the Climate Strike

You'll take notes about important or surprising facts or details as well as questions that the articles raise.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Climate Change

Today, we'll start by hearing a report from students who attended the climate strike in Chicago last week.
Next, we'll watch Greta Thurnberg's speech to the United Nations (Transcript)

We'll continue to see what other young people are doing to tackle the issue by watching a story from 60 Minutes: "Lawsuit Could Put Climate Change on Trial".
We'll finish by reading the following:
Protesting Climate Change, Young People Take to Streets in a Global Strike
The Trump administration has taken its war on climate crisis action to a new level